Monday 2 July 2012

Making shis'nit happen!

I have been dreaming this space for quite some time and today she is born! This is where I will honor my creative spirit. I'll share my creations, my plans, and my thoughts and musings along the way. My life recently took a new direction when I found my 'co-hones' and quit a job that was no longer bringing me the same joy it used to. Actually, it was completely depleting my joy most days and greatly affecting my happiness and quality of life(does couch potato qualify as a skill?). I am a firm believer that you should not stay in a job you don't enjoy. So, I finally took my dear friend Oprah's quote to heart(o.k. she doesn't realize we're dear friends but trust me we are;) "Enough with the stuff that doesn't enhance who you really are" and I quit the only job I have known since I was 24 years old(a new millennium has occurred since then!). Scary stuff!
 I am very fortunate to have the support of my wonderful husband of almost 14 years. He has always encouraged me to follow my heart. I also have the support of my (real life) dear friends and family, who have listened to my dreadful complaining and witnessed my unhappiness first hand. I am manifesting the path I have been envisioning and creating a better life for myself and my family. I am taking charge of my happiness and making shis'nit happen yo! I know this is where I need to be in this moment in time and I trust that wonderful new beginnings are taking shape just waiting to be discovered. I am so grateful to be on this path and hope that you will join me for the ride.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Shauna,

    So great to hear that someone I know did something about it when they were unhappy. It's a difficult decision to make but I'm so glad you did it.

    Sarah R
